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PIP-Beh-Spec-large.jpg Partnerships in Place: A Behavioral Specialist's Guide To Teaching Social Skills
Exceptional Innovations e-Book Series 2
PDF - 83 pgs, 301 KB
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Increasingly, behavioral specialists and school social workers are being called upon to help students with emotional and behavioral difficulties develop appropriate social skills. To this end, behavioral specialists and school social workers are forming partnerships with teachers and other mental health practitioners to implement school-based social skills programs.

The Partnerships in Place approach describes how behavioral specialists and school social workers are organizing social skills programs to address a wide range of student needs at different levels.

  • Prevention. At the prevention level, behavioral specialists and school social workers may assist teachers in establishing positive classroom environments. Working collaboratively with teachers, behavioral specialists and school social workers teach students social skills that underlie positive classroom conduct and group participation. The guide provides suggestions for teaching social skills that underlie classroom rules and instructional formats. A unit on respect is included.

  • Responsive support. At the responsive support level, behavioral specialists and school social workers may intervene with students who pose discipline problems primarily because they lack appropriate social skills. In small groups, behavioral specialists and school social workers respond to students' behavioral difficulties by replacing antisocial behaviors with prosocial ones. The guide provides suggestions for conducting conflict resolution groups.

  • Intensive support. At the intensive support level, behavioral specialists and school social workers may intervene individually with students who have serious social skills deficits that undermine their interactions with peers and adults. In these cases, social skills instruction is integrated into the student's total intervention plan. The guide provides suggestions for teaching social skills as replacement behaviors.

At all levels of intervention, behavioral specialists and school social workers are finding that social skills instruction is an invaluable tool in supporting the behavioral and emotional development of all students. The guide comes with activities, strategies, and forms that can be implemented with students of varying ages. Partnerships in Place has been successfully field-tested in schools nationwide.

Table of Contents
1. Partnerships in Place
2. Social Skills Instruction
3. Prevention in the Classroom
4. Proactive Support
5. Responsive Support
6. Intensive Support
7. Appendices

The guide is tailored for either behavioral specialists or for school social workers.

[Excerpted from: Warger, C., with Bryan, T., & Colleagues (2004). Partnerships in place. Reston, VA: Exceptional Innovations, Inc.]

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