Use Student Job Reports to Enhance Success in the Workplace
Student job reports allow students to self-evaluate job performance on a regular (e.g., weekly) basis. The questions on the self-report should reflect topics and skills directly taught in the classroom prior to placement in the work experience program. Students rate their job performance in the work experience program by completing checklists and answering open-ended questions. They must identify in their job reports both strengths in their job performance and areas that might need improvement.
Student Job Reports – An Example
Suppose you are focusing on teaching job-related social skills in the classroom. The student job report might include relevant social skill questions. It could contain specific job-related social skills taught in the classroom. It could also contain general self-evaluative questions. In this case, Sam works as a warehouse helper. According to his self-report, he has done a good job and has used several of the targeted social skills. Teacher follow-up should include positive reinforcement, noting Sam’s success when he asked his employer for permission to leave work early. Since Sam has identified “offering help” and “getting along with other employees” as weak areas, the teacher should plan further review and practice for these skills.
Student Job Reports Are Not Time-Consuming, and They Are Effective
The student job report can be completed within 10 minutes during part of a regularly scheduled class set aside for vocational preparation (e.g., vocational English or consumer math). Student responses provide teachers with information that can be expanded upon during problem solving sessions. Moreover, by scanning responses, a teacher can identify common job problems the entire group experienced. These concerns can form the basis for follow-up in job support groups. In addressing Sam’s problem with a co-worker during a job support group meeting, the group could focus on interactions with coworkers, engaging in general discussion as well as group problem solving activities.
Job-Related Social Skills: A Curriculum (Third Edition) — available here — contains lessons and materials that incorporate student job reports into instruction.