The Consultant Diagnostician

Available as eBook Only
Authors: Cynthia Warger, Loviah Aldinger, & Paul Eavy
$3.99 / #e-934c
Add to CartThe Consultant Diagnostician provides suggestions that individuals working in collaborative roles may use to avoid and/or remove themselves from interpersonal “traps” at each stage of problem solving. The guide offers strategies for the most common types of interpersonal traps that can undermine collaboration.
Table of Contents
Introductory Reading 1
Trapped Again: The Plight of the Teacher Consultant 1
Using the Consultant Diagnostician 7
Select the Problem Behavior 7
Determine if the Consultee is Receptive to Consultation 9
Identify the Stage of Consultation 9
Look Up the Information 10
Does Not Take Responsibility 11
Asks for Personal Counseling 20
Asks for Advice/Does Not Generate Ideas 26
Challenges Credentials of Consultant 35
Misses Appointments/Late 45
Wants Direct Service 51
Asks You to Talk to Higher Authorities 62
Finds Fault/Blames Others 70
Avoids/Claims There Is No Problem 78
Does Not Trust Consultant 83
Defers to Consultant 90
Invites Judgement/Blames Self 97
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